1. Freezing
2. Primary Drying and
3. Secondary Drying
Primary Drying:
Secondary Drying:
Methods of Freeze Drying:
Three methods of freeze drying are commonly used:
1. Manifold Drying,
2. Batch Drying, and
3. Bulk drying.
Each method has a specific purpose, and the method used depends on the product and the final configuration desired.
Manifold Method:
In the manifold method, flasks,ampules or vials are individually attached to the ports of a manifold or drying chamber. The product is either frozen in a freezer, by direct submersion in a low temperature bath, or by shell freezing,(Either Liquid Nitrogen or Methanol can be used for freezing) depending on the nature of the product and the volume to be freeze dried.The prefrozen product is quickly attached to the drying chamber or manifold to prevent warming. The vacuum must be created in the product container quickly, and the operator relies on evaporative cooling to maintain the low temperature of the product.
Heat input can be affected by simply exposing the vessels to ambient temperature or via a circulating bath.For some products, where precise temperature control is required, manifold drying may not be suitable.Several vessels can be accommodated on a manifold system allowing drying of different products at the same time, in different sized vessels, with a variety of closure systems. Since the products and their volumes may differ, each vessel can be removed from the manifold separately as its drying is completed. The close proximity to the collector also creates an environment that maximizes drying efficiency.
Batch Method:
In batch drying, large numbers of similar sized vessels containing like products are placed together in a tray dryer. The product is usually prefrozen on the shelf of the tray dryer. Precise control of the product temperature and the amount of heat applied to the product during drying can be maintained. Generally all vials in the batch are treated alike during the drying process, although some variation in the system can occur. Slight differences in heat input from the shelf can be experienced in different areas. Vials located in the front portion of the shelf may be radiantly heated through the clear door. These slight variations can result in small differences in residual moisture.
Bulk Method:
Bulk drying is generally carried out in a tray dryer like batch drying. However, the product is poured into a bulk pan and dried as a single unit.Although the product is spread throughout the entire surface area of the shelf and may be the same thickness as product dried in vials, the lack of empty spaces within the product mass changes the rate of heat input. The heat input is limited primarily to that provided by contact with the shelf. Bulk drying does not lend itself to sealing of product under controlled conditions as does manifold or batch drying. Usually the product is removed from the freeze dry system prior to closure, and then packaged in air tight containers. Bulk drying is generally reserved for stable products that are not highly sensitive to oxygen or moisture.
Factors that affect the efficiency of lyophilization:
sample size
surface area of the sample
thickness of the sample
sample characteristics
eutectic temperature
solute concentration
instrument factors
condenser temperature
- vacuum
Sources and References:
A Guide to Freeze Drying for the Laboratory, LABCONCO, An Industry Service Publication.
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