Spectrophotometric Mehtod
The 260/280 ratio tells us the purity of the sample analysed, Pure DNA sample gives a 260/280 ratio ~ 1.8 and for pure RNA 260/280 ratio is ~ 2.
Similarly, absorbance at 230 nm is accepted as being the result of other contamination; therefore the ratio of A260/A230 is frequently also calculated.. The 260/230 values for “pure” nucleic acid are often higher than the respective 260/280 values. Expected 260/230 values are commonly in the range of 2.0-2.2.
Residual chemical contamination from nucleic acids extraction procedures may result an overestimation of the nucleic acid concentration and/or negatively influence downstream analysis. Example spectra for 4 common extraction reagents which, if not properly cleaned up, will affect sample purity.
- A low 260/230 ratio indicates the contaminants absorbing at 230nm or less.
- A low 260/280 ratio indicates the contaminants absorbing at 280nm or less.
- A shift in the wavelength trough is indicative of contaminants absorbing at low wavelengths.
- The wavelength of the sample peak should be at 260nm if contaminants are present the peak may shift.
If the sample is contaminated with proteins or other organic compounds, the 260/280 ratio will vary from the above mentioned values.
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

It is a separation method used to separate nucleic acids based on their size under the influence of electric current. Since Nucleic acids are negatively charged, on applying electric field they move from cathode to anode. Depending upon the size of the nucleic acid to be analyzed suitable gel concentration can be made which act as a sieve to separate nucleic acids based on their size.
Purity of the sample can be analyzed using this method. Some time contaminating DNA/RNA fragments can be removed using this method. After running the sample on gel the band of interest can be spliced out and gel extraction can be done to purify it.
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