K-means Clustering
K-means clustering is a popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm that partitions a set of data points into a predefined number of clusters (k) based on their similarity. It aims to minimize the within-cluster variance, which is the average squared distance between each data point and its corresponding cluster center, also known as the centroid.
- Initialization: Randomly select k data points as initial cluster centers.
- Assignment: Assign each data point to the nearest cluster center.
- Update: Update the cluster centers by taking the average of the data points assigned to each cluster.
- Repeat: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the centroids converge or a maximum number of iterations is reached.
- Customer segmentation: Identify groups of customers with similar behavior or preferences for targeted marketing campaigns.
- Image segmentation: Group pixels in an image into regions based on their color or intensity values for object detection or image compression.
- Anomaly detection: Identify unusual data points that deviate significantly from the typical patterns in a dataset.
Learn more about the KNN and K-means clustering.
Hierarchical Clustering
Hierarchical clustering, also known as hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), is another unsupervised machine learning algorithm that builds a hierarchy of clusters, represented as a tree structure. It can be divided into two main approaches:
- Agglomerative: Starts with individual data points as single clusters and merges them together based on their similarity until the desired number of clusters is reached.
- Divisive: Starts with all data points in a single cluster and recursively splits the cluster into smaller ones until the desired number of clusters is reached.
- Biological taxonomy: Identify hierarchical relationships between different species based on their shared characteristics.
- Document clustering: Group documents into categories based on their content similarity for information organization or search results.
- Gene expression analysis: Identify groups of genes with similar expression patterns for understanding biological processes.
Key Differences:
- Number of Clusters: K-means requires a predefined number of clusters (k), while hierarchical clustering can determine the number of clusters automatically.
- Cluster Structure: K-means assumes clusters are spherical and well-separated, while hierarchical clustering can handle more complex cluster shapes and hierarchies.
- Outlier Sensitivity: K-means is sensitive to outliers, which can distort the cluster centers, while hierarchical clustering is more robust to outliers.
- Computational Efficiency: K-means is generally faster than hierarchical clustering, especially for large datasets.
In summary, k-means clustering is efficient for finding compact and well-separated clusters when the number of clusters is known beforehand, while hierarchical clustering is more flexible for exploratory data analysis and identifying hierarchical relationships in data. The choice between the two methods depends on the specific application and the characteristics of the data.